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November 20, 2007

Fresh VS. Frozen Milk

"I've solely been expressing milk for my baby. For some reason, I am over-producing milk and have been freezing 5-10 oz. a day! I currently have over a gallon of frozen breast milk in the freezer. Some people suggest I use the frozen ones first and then freeze the fresh ones I pump out everyday. Others suggest just giving my baby fresh milk (because "fresh is best") and save the frozen one for emergencies. What should I do? I don't want to waste the frozen milk, but I also want to give my baby the freshest milk? Besides, when will I need over a gallon of breast milk!?!?"

I suggest giving your baby freshly pumped milk most of the time. Then, if you ever need to dip into your stored supply, try to use some recently frozen milk. Better yet, if you use stored milk often enough, just keep it in the refrigerator (it will be good for up to 2 weeks – click here for milk storage times) and only freeze the milk that you won’t use quickly. Your baby will then be getting only freshly pumped milk, or refrigerated milk. Your frozen supply will then be for emergencies. You could also consider donating your precious extra milk to a milk bank.

Dr. Jim